Township of Hanover
Washington County

All dogs three months of age or older must be licensed. Licenses are sold and issued by the Washington County Treasurer. Dog license application
? All dogs must be under control and must not be allowed to run at large. Dogs are personal property, and owners are responsible for damages caused by their dog.
? It is illegal to mistreat or abuse any animal. Violations should be reported to a local humane organization or the police.
? It is illegal to abandon or attempt to abandon any dog.
? No dog under eight weeks of age may be sold, traded, bartered or transferred.
? You may not place any poison or harmful substance in any place where dogs may easily eat it, whether it is your own property or elsewhere.
? You must have a current kennel license if you operate a facility that keeps, harbors, boards, shelters, sells, gives away or transfers a total of 26 or more dogs in any one calendar year.
? Owners of dogs and cats 3 months of age or older are required to have a current rabies vaccination. It is illegal to interfere with an officer or employee of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture engaged in enforcement of dog laws.
. For any person to knowingly make any false statement or to conceal any fact required to be disclosed under any of the provisions of the State Dog Law (Act 225).
Summary violations of the dog law cost up to a maximum of $300 plus court costs.
Cats do not have to be licensed.
You must have proof of your cat's current rabies vaccination. Rabies vaccinations are required by PA state law at 3 months of age.
Please Note: Animal Control Officers work through the police dispatcher. Therefore, if your situation is an animal control emergency, please contact the police dispatcher at 911 and the Police and/or Animal Control Officer will be dispatched. Non-emergency dispatcher line is 724-229-4600
Non-emergency animal control calls should be conducted to the Animal Control Message Line.
If your pet is missing, immediately report your name, address, telephone number and a description of your pet by calling the Animal Control Message Line at : 724-503-4417
The description should be as detailed as possible and include where your pet was last seen, the animal's name, breed, color(s), eye color, gender, if neutered/spayed, age, license # (if applicable), color of collar(s) and what material, any unusual markings, if pet has permanent ID (Tattooing, microchip),
Animal Control Officer- : Kym Secreet ;724-503-4417

Get in touch so we can start working together.